AMTRA Solutions | Blog

Simple vs Complicated: Teams Edition

Written by AMTRA Solutions | Apr 6, 2020 5:46:40 PM

While you may be tired of hearing about it, we are going to tell you again: AMTRA LOVES TEAMS! Even before it was central to our remote working strategy, we loved it for its ability to connect our team and encourage new levels of communication and collaboration. For those that have been following us, you know that nearly a year ago we made a strategic decision as an organization to go "all in" with Teams. That meant digging in to understand all that the platform was capable of and determining how we were going to build solutions that support the entire customer journey. That's right, even if you have been using Teams for a while, talk to us, we can help you get more out of the platform. 

That said, if you haven't started your Teams journey yet, don't! At least not until you have watched a few videos like this one:

While we hope you enjoyed the video, this was a cautionary tale, borne from deep experience. Trust us when we say, you don't want to make Teams more complicated than it needs to be. Taking a bit of time to do some work before you "turn it on" will save you lots of time and effort as you continue on your Teams journey.

Want to know more? Follow-us all week as we release a new video each day, giving you a closer look at four Teams Success Criteria (we have identified 50!) that will improve the outcomes of your journey to Teams.

Can't wait to get started, give us a call today.