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What is Azure? Why is it important?

Written by AMTRA Solutions | Dec 12, 2019 6:31:37 PM

Microsoft Azure is an expanding set of cloud services to help Companies meet their business challenges.  It’s the freedom to build, manage and deploy applications on a massive, global network using your favorite tools and frameworks. Azure is a fast, flexible, and affordable platform, and its pricing and capabilities make it a great cloud offering. 

Quick Facts

  • Flexible | Move compute resources up and down as needed.
  • Open | Supports almost any OS, language, tool or framework.
  • Reliable | 99.95% availability + 24 x 7 tech support.
  • Global | Data centers around the world.
  • Economical | Only pay for what you use.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is Azure secure?

Yes! Security and privacy are built into the Azure platform. And with Microsoft's commitment to high level of trust, transparency and regulatory compliance, Azure is a safe bet.  

Will Azure actually save me money?
With no upfront costs and flexible purchasing and pricing options, Azure is a cost effective choice.  Plus, it includes tools to constantly manage your cloud spend.

Does Azure work in all industries?
Of course! Azure provides solutions for all industries, so whether you’re in manufacturing, banking, legal or oil and gas, Azure will work for you.

Is Azure only good for Windows apps and services?
No. With Azure, you have choices.  It supports open source technologies so you can use the tools and technologies of your choosing.

Ways you can use Azure

1) Enhance and Implement Backup and Disaster Recovery
Azure is a backup and disaster recovery dream tool. Why? Because of its flexibility, advanced site recovery and built-in integration. Its innately flexible and can back up your data in almost any language, on any operating system and from any location. 

2) Host and Develop Web and Mobile Apps
Whether you’re looking for a platform for hosting, developing, or managing a web or mobile app, Azure makes those apps autonomous and adaptive with patch management, AutoScale and integration for on-premise apps.

3) Distribute and Supplement Active Directory
Azure can integrate with your Active Directory to supplement your identity and access capabilities, giving your DNS global reach, centralized management and robust security.   Azure also enables you to utilize multi-factor authentication, adding a new layer of security to your data and applications.

Ready to use Azure? 
These three services are just a start to what Azure can do for your environment. If you’re ready to try Azure, have questions about other ways you can use Azure, or need help implementing a service, contact Shannon our cloud expert. She'll help you plan and implement the right tools to meet your needs.