AMTRA Solutions | Blog

Modern Desktop | What exactly is it? Part II

Written by AMTRA Solutions | Jul 29, 2020 8:57:06 PM

Two years ago, we wrote about The Modern Desktop. Since then, the buzz around the modern workplace has gained momentum. But why are people still talking about it and why does it continue to be such a hot topic.

At its core, the modern workplace is about a change in culture, developing strategies in which to better leverage the latest, greatest technologies in alignment with business processes, and with the input from your people.

The goal? To dramatically improve the volume and quality of innovation produced, rather than simply modifying or iterating on existing models.

The Process
Becoming a modern workplace is not a simple process. It’s driven from a deep desire and understanding to create a positive, collaborative culture suited to the modern worker. As well as an understanding that digital technology and tools are enablers of productivity and efficiency.

Even though technology is an important component, its not all about the technology. Here’s what we think a modern workplace is all about:

  • The positive changes technology brings to the people and processes it touches.
  • Using the best tools to help teams reach their full potential.
  • Adapting to shifting attitudes of work.
  • Creating an environment that champions collaboration.
  • Establishing a place that supports a productive work-life balance.
  • Culture and technology driving better business outcomes.

At the end of the day, our relationship with technology is not transactional. Rather, it’s vital to the continual improvement of existing processes, which, we think are supported by the following components.

At the heart of all work today is productivity and collaboration. The way in which a modern workplace approaches work should be a continuous work in progress by the technology and the people using it. To us, collaboration means moving your best ideas forward faster, with the support and feedback from a wider audience. Consider Microsoft Teams as your productivity and collaboration platform, to share ideas and keep your business processes moving forward.   

Everyone has a Voice
The concept of decentralized thinking and development means we no longer silo ideas and individuals in departments and office locations. In the modern workplace, the best ideas and approaches rise to the top, with every worker having a platform to share their best ideas and easily collaborate.

We believe organizations should encourage people to be thought leaders. We bet you’ll be amazed by what they come up with. Have you heard of the famous 3M post-it and the Sony Play Station? Both were ideas thought up by ingenious employees. Tools like Microsoft Teams and Yammer are great for fostering a workplace where these ideas are free to percolate. Check out our Microsoft Teams Tips & Tricks to see how you can give everyone on your team a voice. 

Anytime, Anywhere Access
A Modern Workplace fosters a work-from-anywhere attitude, where documents and applications can be accessed from any device, anywhere in the world. A modern workplace has no information silos and data is arranged and available to users from a centralized point. This means having important information at your fingertips, leading to higher accountability, and quicker decisions.  Read more ..... 

Data Driven
Reliable data is the currency of any sound decision. The best teams are those who are uncovering industry trends, buying patterns, and biases in data before their competitors.

But guess what? These teams aren't spending their days pouring over disconnected spreadsheets and databases.  Nope. They use the latest in business intelligence software to build inferences at a much faster pace.

Security Focused
It should come as no surprise that security is mentioned at the top of the list of modern workplace priorities. As data becomes the most valued commodity, it needs to be protected to the highest level possible, without becoming a hindrance to productivity.

While half of the security equation requires a continual investment in IT, the second half relies on educating users how to spot potential security breaches - before they happen.

It’s about the People
Success is tied directly to the people in your organization. When your people are engaged and empowered, and the change process is transparent and consistent, you’re on your way to a successful modern workplace. Despite this, the reverse is never true. You can have strong process and the latest technology, but if people aren’t included and they have no visibility into the change, your organization will struggle with adoption and engagement. Our blog on Unlocking the Value of Teams | A Closer Look at ACM gives you some things to consider before you move forward on your modern workplace journey. 

With advanced technology like Chat Bots, Machine Learning tools and automation agents like Power Automate, offloading and automating tasks has never been easier. These change agents win back time and allow people to focus on what moves the organization forward. Think of it as a modern workplace superpower!

What’s Next?
As noted, a Modern Workplace is not achieved by simply checking off boxes and mandating the use of new software. It’s the journey of making sure the culture and creativity of your organization is ready to move forward on their digital path.

If you're just learning about Teams and want to understand what it is, how to get it and even how it compares to other solutions in the market? Our e-book is the perfect place to start!

Already part way through your Teams journey, read our previous blog on how you can Drive Teams Adoption and Move Towards a New Modern Workplace

No matter where you are in your Modern Workplace journey, AMTRA can help. Give us a call 1.855.326.0533 or send us a note