
Understanding the Why? Guidance for following Teams best practices.

The whys of Teams are core to our ACM Practice-for a preview check out the most common in our new graphic series, depicting each "why" as a decision tree.

Many service providers will tell you they can help you get Teams turned on (so can we), and many service providers will tell you they can support training on how to use Teams (so can we). However, many service providers will not tell you “Why using Teams” is better than alternative solutions (we can). This is a big gap, and we believe that if end users don’t know the ‘why,’ they are less likely to adopt new behaviors let alone change their routine.  Plus, if you’re looking for a culture shift to Teams, you’ll be less likely to realize this until you have clearly defined why Teams is the best fit for your Company.

In other words, the why inspires people to act.  

Think about it this way. If you just share ‘what’ needs to happen, you’re giving orders. If you explain ‘when’ something needs to get done, you’re prioritizing and scheduling.  If you explain ‘how’ something needs to get done, you’re micromanaging.

But, when you explain ‘why’, you focus on the importance and the impact. The why provides guidance that empowers your users to ask questions, problem solve and accelerate adoption.

We’ve come up with a new series, answering the whys and giving guidance for Teams best practices. Our first ‘why’ in the series is, of course, about "why Teams" vs other tools or platforms. 

The remaining whys are about why you should do things a certain way in Teams, while adhering to best practices, and considering there are likely many other ways to get the same job done. These whys are deeply embedded in our Teams Adoption and Change Management Practice, but for a preview of some of the most common "whys", dig into the series: Understanding the Why? Guidance for Teams Best Practices. Each why is depicted as a decision tree to help you navigate your options and align to best practices in different scenarios. 

Decision Trees for Teams 

To evaluate your own Teams ACM needs, check out our Right-Sizing ACM Solutions Quiz.

Interested in other reasons why Technology projects fail? Check out our Infographic on some of the biggest troubles we see our clients struggling with.

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